Saturday 18 November 2017

Science & Sniffs

At the start of November the other half and I volunteered again for the discovery building. However, this Saturday was extra special as the state was hosting the Wisconsin Science Festival 2017, with the discovery building being the main hub of activities. Although a lot of the festivities are aimed towards the next and younger generations it does host an array of interesting activities. We helped out with directing guests around the festival on the busy Saturday morning. For us it was a relaxing affair which included handing out promotional items and talking to families, all of which builds to experience and more so a good CV (Resume).

Although we didn’t get to sample a lot of the festival this year, it is a well recommended affair. It is an inspirational event that stretches over four days. It included demonstrations, lectures and tours from different specialities of science. As I said before as well it is across the state with events in Milwaukee and Stevens Point to name a few. It is thrilling to see so many local business involved in helping to make this festival happen as is can truly have the power to make a positive difference in their lives and for society. So mark your calendars next year for this annual autumn (fall) event as it is fun for all ages!

The other event we got up to recently was the Wisconsin Dog Fair at the Alliance event centre. YES, hundreds of dogs of many breeds were there and my wife especially was in awe. The busy event at the event centre was half filled with business selling products and breeders showing off their prized dogs. From an Alaskan Husky to a West Highland Terrie, all the dogs were on their best behaviour as they enjoyed the company of others and pranced around for the display show. Our favourite breed, which we hope to get in the future is a Great Dane, with that said we have also been won over by the cute and playful nature of breeds like Vizslas. Although you were not allowed to bring your own pets into the arena there was plenty to see and pet, to make your own dog jealous as you returned home.

The only problem with this event was that it did not seem big enough as their could have been more exhibitors involved. The event was brought to you by the kind people of Badger Kennel Club INC. This company is a community outreach programme aiming to help owners and their dogs have a fulfilling life by offering advice and support. As ever I would recommend both the show and the club to anyone who is going to or does care for a dog, or two, or five, because one is not enough. So hopefully next year there will be more breeds and clubs as you can never have enough dogs!

Also we got some super Halloween bargains, our life revolves around clearance items, and we don’t feel guilty as it gives us a few decorative and consumable items for the dark weekends/following year. He says eating his Easter candy, nom nom. Until next time happy holidays!

Monday 13 November 2017

Frzn Fest Aims To Warm Up Madison This winter.

“Frzn Fest” is a relatively new kid on the block which is fitting for the acts it presents over the winter weekend. The festival showcases some of the best new acts both locally and nationally over two venues, “High Noon Saloon” and “Majestic”. Acts such as last year’s NoName and Big Thief have gone on to bigger stages and sell-out tours, as they grown their fan bases from these smaller but no less important and pivotal shows. When I worked over in the UK I personally witnessed a lot of emerging talent from amazing festivals like this, acts such as “The 1975”, “Ellie Goulding” or even “Mumford & Sons”.

Therefore, this festival is no different as it continues to grow both the industry and the scene, thanks to the partnership of “Heartland Credit Union” and “Frank Productions” who have put this great show on again. This year’s festival links can be found below; the events stretch over three nights with separate shows in each of the two venues, so you may be spoiled for choice. Personal highlights and recommendations from me is the European rockers, “Hinds” and “Slotface” appearing on the Saturday, as well as, new hip hopers, “Shredders”.

The fine print then would be that the festival takes place January 18th until January 20th 2018 and tickets are on sale now for one night or all three nights. If you purchase the very reasonable three day ticket you also get a souvenir hat to wear when travelling to the festival, or possibly whenever you are cold. That leaves me to say come one, come all and welcome in the New Year by discovering new and exciting emerging acts for 2018!

Sunday 12 November 2017

A Fhnominal FreakFest 2017!


For those that read my previous blog about “FreakFest”, you will know that this festival is into its 9th year and was greater than ever. After some pre drinking and pre eating, we headed down to State Street to check out the sites and many costumes Madison has to offer. We did take a tumble as we head over one of the Capitol walls, but me and the Mrs. fell to the crowd in a roll around style. Instead of being in pain it turned out to be quite the humorous and romantic affair.

Back to the night, the first music we checked out was what we believed to be “The Begowatts”, a local act that dressed as turtles while playing an awesome pop punk set, warming the crowd up nicely. After more beer we then checked out “Mutemath” a national act that has been featured on a “Twilight” soundtrack and recent session with “Twenty One Pilots”. They played a show like it was their last ever, brilliant crowd interaction and sing alongs for all to join in. One of the sing alongs included a little girl, who we think was one of the band member’s daughters, sang along to a song and rocked her little heart out. Other highlights of the set include the band dressing up and the lead singer mattress surfing across the crowd while everyone sang their songs back to them. A great band I would defiantly check out again.

As we left that stage towards the main stage outside of Capitol Square, there were more costumes as ever and the best costume of the night. Two individuals dressed as the “Night King” and “Daenerys Targaryen” from “Game of Thrones” was precisely perfect in their Coplay and could be mistaken for the actual cast members. Unfortunatly due to time and money we were unable to dress up this year but hopefully next time as the planning for it has already begun. Another notable factor of this big event and State Street was the fact, not many businesses were involved in this night in terms of stands or open store fronts. The city and business could not only benefit from their involvement but it would mean that the ticket price would be more worthwhile from exclusive opening hours/offers.

As we hit the main stage “George Clinton” and friends were just finishing their set, leaving the crowd jumping around to the pop melodies and Halloween cheer. I managed to secure a photo pass for “FreakFest” meaning I got into the very large photo pit for main act “D.R.A.M.”, this provided me a place to get some great shots as ever but always leaves you feeling watched by a million eyes who are looking through you to see the stage. Nevertheless he put on a good show, with his charismatic smile and easy going tunes, showing off what he does with ease and style. I thought there would have been a more dramatic finish to the night and “D.R.A.M”’s set but once it finished things just quickly fizzled out as the crowd broke down. Hopefully with more investment and crowd in the future the shows will become grander. The only other problem with leaving at the end of the night was getting home. As ever with no public transport available (another problem with these big events) we had to use a cab or “Uber” in our case and this was $6 for a normal $6 trip plus about 15 minute wait. Needless to say we started the 3.5 mile journey on foot home until we got about a mile away we got one for $4.50 much better value and we walked off the pizza we had hahaha. Next we will pre book.

Overall, Freak Fest 2017 was a frightfully great time for a great price and we can’t wait for it to roll around again, hopefully we will have costumes this time, is boy scouts a good idea?

(PS the image is also a great costume couple but not us.)

Kenny making plenty of hoops.

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