Monday 15 October 2018

Tickle My Tiki TOURch

Many punk/skate rock acts from the 80’s/90’s have either dissolved out of existence or evolved into something that sells out. Neither of these can be said about, ‘Reel Big Fish’ who have kept the torch lit with their infectious danceable melodies.

Before the heavy hitters of ‘RBF’ hit the stage, there were fellow bands, ‘We Are The Union’ and ‘Ballyhoo’ to warm the crowd up. ‘We Are The Union’ are a Michigan band full of energy and heart as they win over new fans tonight. However, the case maybe not the same for Ballyhoo who do deliver their long 40 minute set without much interaction or charismas. They do please some members of the audience as they can pen a soulful beat, just nothing hard hitting.

 As the clock struck 10pm it was time most audience members were waiting all day for, to party down, Ska punk style. The first song off the set list, ‘Take on me’ was a sure fire sing along complete with a dance pit. Not once did I witness the show becoming tame as they had everyone involved from doing the fish to singing asshole. These guys nailed the show and tour, with their hit filled set complete with covers and brand new track, ‘U can’t have all of me’ (see picture for complete list). A lot of acts in the music industry today aim for different experiences or political angle when putting on a show but these guys just came to celebrate life by making sure everyone left with a smile on their face. A job well done, keep rocking.


Saturday 13 October 2018

Wondrous WUD

Another great tour rolls into this town, this time for free! Thanks to members of the WUD (Wisconsin Union) a special show took place at The Sett (University of Wisconsin) featuring a boat load of punk talent. AJJ, Kimya Dawson, Laura Stevenson and Shell Shag all came together for a joint tour, including Madison as one of the opening shows.  

Starting early was the two piece called Shell Shag, full of energy and chaotic rhythms they put on an interesting and exciting show, especially with their one piece band kit (see images online for more). Next was Laura Stevenson a much calmer performer as she introduced herself but no less powerful, as the first song made people stop in their tracks. The echoes of love and pain were delivered beautifully in her own unique style. You could feel these songs were personal to this individual, as she sang and played guitar you could not help but get lost on her poetry.
From one strong vocalist to the next as Kimya Dawson hit the stage to a rapturous applause. From the Mouldy Peaches to sea chastise, children rhymes to political poetry, Kimya covered it all in this delightful set. Being a fan of the Juno soundtrack for over ten since its release, I was pleased to meet the other half of the Mouldy Peaches, Kimya. Kimya D and Adam Green, aka the Mouldy peaches were pinnacle in setting the movie its innocent and honest tone. It has and always will be a favourite of mine so I was excited when I heard the amazing vocals of Kimya pay tribute to that part of her career. Track after track was delivered in her own beautiful way with confidence and passion.
Lastly, the night was closed by fellow punk stars AJJ, whom earlier this year sold out a big venue in the city. Tonight is no different with the atmosphere hopping and crowd growing as the guys hit the stage. Their set contains only highs in my opinion, as they become masters of their own sound, certainly ones to keep track of when they hit Madison again.
Make sure to keep up to date with events from the University of Wisconsin unions via their social media and websites. They are continuously offering great shows at either a cheap or free rate, so no excuses to check out some new and original sounds!

Thursday 20 September 2018

Seeing Red

Fierce and fiery is the perfect words to describe the debut single from new age rocker, Blake Red.
The hot ‘n’ fresh track, ‘Face It’ is burning through everyone’s playlist as one to hear and repeat. Like the songs title and lyrics suggest, you can’t resist, you must listen and face the shear passion of this marvellous artists performance.
Judging Blake by the debut track may leave some to question, why they haven’t heard of her before as it sounds mature and professional. But it was musical influences that shaped her; Blake grew up in the “angst-filled 90s”, developing a “rebellious spirit from her metal forefathers of Alice in Chains and Tool”. Not settling for anything short of loud Blake has started to built up a torrent of since releasing her epic single and video teaser.
Blake Red is just getting started and is almost ready to unleash her debut EP onto the world so watch out because this one star that will make you hear and feel the music every time.

Monday 30 July 2018

Let the fires burn

Samantha Clemons – Burn EP
A standout and mature debut EP from fresh faced artist, Samantha Clemons. Clemons channels sorrow and years of displacement into one soulful experience from start to finish.
Being born into a military family meant that Clemons was constantly on the move before settling into her permanent home of Texas. Since staring her career as an artist Clemons has changed direction in many ways, initially starting as a good pop vocalist she realised that this wasn’t the direction she wanted to go in. Instead adopted for a more political and soulful sound, which has not only enhanced her writing style it has also raised the bar of her as an artist.
The EP not only begins with the current single and title track ‘Burn’, it is a solid statement of what is housed inside this five track ensemble, a scorched reflection into life and love as a young person in today’s America. Be willing to view and try to understand other peoples options’ and feelings is the main message, which flows through tracks like ‘No Room’ and ‘Love For Me’. Whilst the final tracks of ‘Something Special’ and ‘Blow you Down’ reflect on a more personal aspect of loosing something you love. Unfortunatly the EP ends too suddenly and is hopefully just a memo of what is to come.
Clemons title tracked EP ‘Burn’ is out now and full of exceptional highlights from one of THE new voices of the 21st century.

Going with the flow

The one and only, ‘Queens of The Stoneage’ delivered a hit filled yet mellow set as they return to Madison once more.

Luckily the sun was out on show day, as we headed down to ‘Breeze Field’ in Madison, Wi. This outdoor football field was a great summer setting for a big show like this and our first at this venue. A small amount of seating was in the bleachers but their was plenty of grass to sit or stand on. I was excited about the show as there was an early start time and only two bands on the bill, meaning a big hit filled set by ‘QOTSA’. 

To start the show, basked in the summer sun was a UK band, known very well to me, ‘Royal Blood’. This two piece are like the love child of Robert Plant and Josh Homme, which makes them perfect for tonight’s addition. Their wild sound and energy flows through the crowd as they grace Madison for the first ever time. And I am sure it will not be the last as the crowd chant for more.

The same cannot be said for ‘QOTSA’ as they started off well but lost the crowd half way through as they stuck to a new album heavy set. I myself am a big Queens fan and the band were certainly on top form. The sound was full on but the crowd were just limp as a wet noodle, singing only a minimal amount of words back. It was no surprise then that the set was cut short but no encore. The set lasted about 1 hour 15 minutes which is short for a band who have hit after hit. They also had 40 minutes before their intended curfew, which left a lot including the venue confused as to why they did not come back out.
From the less than 4 hours we were there we enjoyed the memorable yet short sets from two great rock n roll bands of the modern age. Let’s hope Josh isn’t too much of a showman next time to play an encore.

Thursday 24 May 2018

From bottom to top.

From the bottom to the top is correct for the show I witnessed earlier this month. As ‘Basement’ quietly chart their rise from east to west.

The line up tonight was stretching both sides of the Atlantic, headliners Basement hail from the UK, while the rest of the line up, ‘Citizen’ and ‘Pronoun’ come from east coast USA. However, no one could feel more at home in the Madison ‘Majestic’ theater, even with the diverse fan base from age to style everyone is made to feel welcomed to this show. Opening band for the tour is the reason I was invited here, ‘pronoun’ are new onto the scene sounding out their distinct vibe. They manage to sedate the audiences gaze for the set but fail to land a punch, with an unfortunately heavy washed out vocal sound, it was hard to hear much more than the background track. They sound great online but did not transpire well live on this occasion.

Next band up and arguably joint headliners is ‘Citizen’. From the start of their set the energy is lifted tenfold, with fans screaming the lyrics back to their favorite songs from the ‘Citizen’ full discography. There was not a dull moment from their first cord to their last. Just like the latter band, ‘Basement’ takes the mood of the room up further. So much so crowd surfing and mosh pits become the norm for the rest of the set. Although they may be a long way from home, they seem to bring it with them including everyone in the room to join in with their energetic and exciting set.

That just leaves me a final note to deliver a quote from my wife, “isn’t it strange for a UK band to be called Basement, when the UK doesn’t really have them...”, too true.

Sunday 15 April 2018

Adelitas way is to continue on rocking

‘Adelitas Way’ grow from strength to strength as they witness a bigger fan base crying back their songs back to them at this Sunday night show.

This was not only my first time seeing the headline band, but it was the first time we had checked out The Annex venue in Madison, a nice little venue, with a good atmosphere, sound and viewing area. As we entered the venue confronted by merch stands, I saw a guy I had not seen in almost 8 years and the reason I was here tonight! The dude (Chris) was from the band ‘Taking Dawn’, these guys spawned up in about 2010 with a great debut album and toured the world countless times with big names, including ‘Kiss’. Whilst on this big journey, they toured the UK a few times; where I got to meet and see them a handful of times. They were always friendly down to earth guys that had a real passion for doing what they loved.

Back to the show at hand, opening band, ‘Static Signal’ from Rockford, IL, are an active young band new on the scene. I managed to speak with them post show, about recent shows and playing with bigger venues, the full interview can be listened to on my next podcast. Their live show was great and certainly entertaining, I would pin these guys as ones to watch out for as their sound and fan base develop. Next support act was ‘Taking Dawn’ and according to them they have been cursed on this tour with multiple problems at every stage or show. Tonight is no different as his wireless guitar device would not work, along with poor sound from the monitors. With that said, they did put on a professional rock show, high energy with lots of sing-along moments for me in particular.Third support of the night, ‘Sons Of Texas’ are defiantly taking a page out of, ‘Five Finger Death Punch’s book by taking no prisoners in this brutal show of high energy. Looking forward to seeing these guys again as the mosh pit was rowdier than the playboy mansion.

Next it was time for headliners, ‘Adelitas Way’ to grace a Madison stage once again. Not knowing the band from before, I thought I originally stumbled into a ‘Maroon Five’ show with the lead singers persona and voice echoing that of ‘Adam Levine’, however this opinion quickly changed as that heavy rock rhythms rang out. The band were confident and powerful as they made the little show feel like a sold out stadium tour. What was strange to me, was whilst watching the band set up I noticed the bass player looked a lot like the old bass player of ‘Taking Dawn’ and low and behold it was him, looks like he joined another Vegas band after TD took a break. Back to the music, as well as playing stand out hit songs like Invincible and Notorious, they stripped it back and did a mellow acoustic session.

It is clear that this band have a lot to give live and on record, they even promised new music and EP’s real soon, “it makes no sense to sit on music; we want to get it out to you guys as soon possible.” After an hour the band left the stage with the fans waiting more and although they didn’t get it this time am sure they will be round again. Make sure you get there and witness a fun rock ‘n’ roll show for anyone up for a good time.

Saturday 14 April 2018

Queens & Kings rise up

Rock royalty is destined for Madison, Wi again, this time in the form of, ‘Queens of The Stoneage’, as they continue on the last leg of their world tour. The show will be held at the Breese Stevens Field in front of almost 10,000 fans, as they play through a hit filled set. Although the band released their new album less than a year ago, they do have a strong back catalogue of hits to showcase live from seven eclectic albums. As many fans and critics agree the band only go from strength to strength as their sound has grown in their own mature and unique style. This will certainly be a special event as the band has not played Madison since 2005 when they supported ‘Nine Inch Nails’.

Unlike the headliners (QOTSA), the support has not even graced Madison before. Support act ‘Royal Blood’ maybe new here but not new to America as they have been taking over cities and airwaves since they rose up from the UK underground scene as ones to watch, just a handful of years ago. The band was personally picked out by Josh Homme of QOTSA, to support on most of the world tour as they “know how to rock the fuck out”. After witnessing them live and watching them grow from first record to second they are certainly in a category of their own. Even though they are a two piece they certainly pack a punch with their wall to wall sound and energy.

One thing is for certain, this show will be the feel good show of the summer, so pick up tickets now from local venues or the marvellous people at Frank Productions, a link can be found here: .

Monday 29 January 2018

We came, we seen, we conquered!

The Isthmus Beer & Cheese Festival rolled round again in 2018 and we were more than happy to sample it for our very first taste. This annual festival is now into its 9th year and is continually selling out tickets, days in advance of the actual event. It offers VIP and general admission tickets, the main perk to VIP is the extra time of 2 hours entry before anyone else to try the samples and experience the taste, crowd free. Being festival virgins we played it safe and selected for general admission tickets, in hindsight it was every dime. 

We arrived 45 minutes before the doors were due to open; thanks to a free bus shuttle service ran by the festival. This service is great and allows for safe roads around the event to prevent drink drivers. The queue’s for the festival grow in size pretty quick and extend out across the whole outer walk way, so make sure to get there early. The bus we arrived on even set off 10 minutes earlier than it was supposed to, making it a quick experience. Once we the doors were opened, tickets were checked and we each got a bag, programme (with map) and tasting glass. 

To the beer! As everyone spilled into the barley full event space we made our way down our first isle to sample our favorite beer, ‘Leinenkugel's’. After sampling a light beer, we crazily started just sampling port and stout beers; one of these was a beautiful yet full on peanut butter and chocolate milk “stoutz” from, ‘The Brewing Projekt’. However, this along with the other ales quickly became very heavy on the stomach, so we sought out the nearest water fountain and cheese stand. There were a good number of cheese and food stands around the event and they were easily found as the lines for these were bigger than any brewery that day. The best cheese we sampled was from the ‘Metcalfes’ cheese boards.

As we walked around the stands in a meteorological manner, we picked up as many beer bottle caps as we could for our beer board. The boards we have are in the shape of WI State and the USA. They are awesome at representing the local and national breweries that are available to check out again or for the first time. Back to the beer of the moment, the best beers for both me and my wife was the “breakfast beer” and “17 up” beers, both from ‘Pearl Street Brewing Company’. There were so many different styles and exclusives at this festival which would normally cost you $5 plus per bottle. Therefore, the $50 ticket fee was more than justified this year round.

With the year just beginning so are the festivals, we look forward to checking out more this year but it will have to be great to meet the high standard we witnessed at, The Isthmus Beer & Cheese Festival 2018. 

Kenny making plenty of hoops.

 KennyHoopla at The Rave Milwaukee - 11-26-2021 From rags to riches it seems as KennyHoopla has gone from an online artist to a new rock s...