Monday 15 October 2018

Tickle My Tiki TOURch

Many punk/skate rock acts from the 80’s/90’s have either dissolved out of existence or evolved into something that sells out. Neither of these can be said about, ‘Reel Big Fish’ who have kept the torch lit with their infectious danceable melodies.

Before the heavy hitters of ‘RBF’ hit the stage, there were fellow bands, ‘We Are The Union’ and ‘Ballyhoo’ to warm the crowd up. ‘We Are The Union’ are a Michigan band full of energy and heart as they win over new fans tonight. However, the case maybe not the same for Ballyhoo who do deliver their long 40 minute set without much interaction or charismas. They do please some members of the audience as they can pen a soulful beat, just nothing hard hitting.

 As the clock struck 10pm it was time most audience members were waiting all day for, to party down, Ska punk style. The first song off the set list, ‘Take on me’ was a sure fire sing along complete with a dance pit. Not once did I witness the show becoming tame as they had everyone involved from doing the fish to singing asshole. These guys nailed the show and tour, with their hit filled set complete with covers and brand new track, ‘U can’t have all of me’ (see picture for complete list). A lot of acts in the music industry today aim for different experiences or political angle when putting on a show but these guys just came to celebrate life by making sure everyone left with a smile on their face. A job well done, keep rocking.


Saturday 13 October 2018

Wondrous WUD

Another great tour rolls into this town, this time for free! Thanks to members of the WUD (Wisconsin Union) a special show took place at The Sett (University of Wisconsin) featuring a boat load of punk talent. AJJ, Kimya Dawson, Laura Stevenson and Shell Shag all came together for a joint tour, including Madison as one of the opening shows.  

Starting early was the two piece called Shell Shag, full of energy and chaotic rhythms they put on an interesting and exciting show, especially with their one piece band kit (see images online for more). Next was Laura Stevenson a much calmer performer as she introduced herself but no less powerful, as the first song made people stop in their tracks. The echoes of love and pain were delivered beautifully in her own unique style. You could feel these songs were personal to this individual, as she sang and played guitar you could not help but get lost on her poetry.
From one strong vocalist to the next as Kimya Dawson hit the stage to a rapturous applause. From the Mouldy Peaches to sea chastise, children rhymes to political poetry, Kimya covered it all in this delightful set. Being a fan of the Juno soundtrack for over ten since its release, I was pleased to meet the other half of the Mouldy Peaches, Kimya. Kimya D and Adam Green, aka the Mouldy peaches were pinnacle in setting the movie its innocent and honest tone. It has and always will be a favourite of mine so I was excited when I heard the amazing vocals of Kimya pay tribute to that part of her career. Track after track was delivered in her own beautiful way with confidence and passion.
Lastly, the night was closed by fellow punk stars AJJ, whom earlier this year sold out a big venue in the city. Tonight is no different with the atmosphere hopping and crowd growing as the guys hit the stage. Their set contains only highs in my opinion, as they become masters of their own sound, certainly ones to keep track of when they hit Madison again.
Make sure to keep up to date with events from the University of Wisconsin unions via their social media and websites. They are continuously offering great shows at either a cheap or free rate, so no excuses to check out some new and original sounds!

Kenny making plenty of hoops.

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