Tuesday 26 March 2019

Northwoods growing tall

Northwoods only just came on my radar this year and hearing their double A side singles, I liked them so much I sent the five piece from Boston, Massachusetts, some questions to answer, enjoy below.
1/ Please introduce yourself and what you bring to the band. 

Zach – vocals
Anthony – guitar
Nacho – guitar
Jon – bass
Derek – drums

2/ To help people to get know you more, what would be the main reason you play and write music?

 Zach – I write music because it's a passion for me. There's so much expression that goes into it, and release that emotion and connect with the audience is just truly special.
Anthony – emotional outlet, to connect with people, to express myself, to create beauty, to cope, for love of music
Nacho – I play and write music for the mere sake of it, to express something that's inexpressible through plain words, to bring out whats deep inside my subconcious
Jon – to create something I love and am proud of, to travel and meet people
Derek – I'm not much of a songwriter, but I'm always chasing the emotional release and human connection that performing music can bring

3/ Your debut EP came out two years ago, how have things changed individually and as a band since then? Would you change anything if you went back to making the first EP again?

We've all become much better musicians since the EP. We're so much better at writing music than we were back then, both individually and as a unit. If we were to do that EP now it would probably sound a lot different, but we're definitely proud of it and excited about the opportunities it has given us.

4/ What would be one stand out or positive moment from the start of the band till present?

Oh man, there's been so many great moments (and a lot of not so great moments that come along with it).Its always really special when this band enables us to visit new places and meet new people. You also can't top the feeling of seeing people sing along, no matter how many shows you play.

5/ The band has worked with a lot of other great touring bands over the few years, would you say you have a favourite or one you connected with the most? 

We've become pretty good friends with Young Culture and Belmont. Both of those bands are going to really blow up in the next couple of years. Make sure you check them out if you haven't yet.

6/ If you could pick any living band to share the stage with who would it be?

Zach – Bring Me the Horizon
Anthony – Counterparts
Nacho – Nickelback
Jon – Bring Me the Horizon
Derek – Touche Amore

7/ You just released a double edge single of delight, on love//on loss. Could you not pick between your preferred single? Why did you release it that way? 

These are stand alone singles, not tied to any larger release. We really wanted to create two songs that contrasted musically and lyrically, yet fit nicely together. We wanted to keep the contrast of “Ebb & Flow” going and these songs are meant to bridge the gap between that EP and our next release.

8/ What was the process when writing and producing these singles?

We wrote a demo version of On Loss nearly two years ago before we had even released the EP. When we went into the studio for production with our friend Charlie Abend in Lowell, MA we ended up writing On Love almost entirely in the studio. The tracks then got sent over to Jay Maas for mixing and mastering. These songs have a long process behind them and we're so excited to finally show them to the world.

9/ Speaking of the titles of the tracks, what and when did you last lose/ felt love for something? 

Zach – The last loss I experienced was a family friend that was a part of the local music scene, Ike May, who was the singer/guitarist for my cousins band A Common Goal. The first local shows I attended were theirs.

10/ Being from Boston, MA. Please represent your area where is good to go hang out, see, eat, etc. Also what is the local scene like? 

The local scene in Massachusetts is solid, lots of variety and great people. Hangout at the Quincy Quarries and Lynch Skatepark. Eat at Maggianos, Tacos Lapita, The Plough & Stars, and South St Diner. Also be sure to check out Northwoods' new favourite spot; Twisted Escape Room.

11/ Any famous last words/comments...

Check out more from the band here: https://www.facebook.com/NorthwoodsNewEngland/

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