Tuesday 29 September 2015

Tellison tell it how it is in Hull

Tellison are not afraid of shying away from telling it how it is or from hard work as they hit the road on a long awaited tour on the back of new album, Hope Fading Nightly. As they play an amazing set in front of a hand full of people due to a crap promoter but quality venue at Hull Fruit space.

Two local support bands open the show up with some classic rock n roll swagger, think Artic Monkeys and Slash and you’re not far from the sounds. First band, The Denium Turtles bring in a big crowd along with Waywardsuns and are ones to watch for the future. However, tonight for me and a few others tonight was about checking out what new Tellison have to offer. Having not seen them before in all the years they have been going I was excited after all I have heard, especially in recent press with Upset magazine backing them 100%.
As lead man Stephen and I sat down for a chat pre show, it’s evident to see where his heart lies, his face beaming and excited to be in a new place with his band. Likewise when he hits the stage later on you can notice that he has a real love for music and for playing. This comes through on their new album, which was crafted over a longer time than most bands take now, three years in fact. A lot has changed between the albums Stephen explains of them being dropped from their label and loosing friends along the way, which leads to the darker record they have just released. Despite the negative title, lyrics and well overall theme of the album they all are in a happier place now, “we needed to get them emotions out there to talk about them and be able to move on”. One touching subject Stephen brought up and paused on was the passing of a friend or two who they lost, because of depression the individuals took their own life. As we talk about Christmas singles, Stephen feels like the feels like the force of music can and should be used for good by recording Tellison Christmas songs which is why in the past the band have supported the charity CALM by raising money for them (https://www.thecalmzone.net/).  Fingers are crossed that this year will see another Christmas single emerge so get demanding the band now on social media and help a great cause.

Back to tonight’s music Tellison hit the stage like they were playing Reading and Leeds main stage with energy and charisma from opening track, Letter to the team, which is moving and powerful especially live. Before they go full throttle into a new album heavy set featuring Tact is Dead, Wrecker, Get On and Orion. They pause once or twice to converge with the audience but it’s the excellent jams that people react to the most as new track Boy is sang along from the opening verse. The few voices singing along are made up with people dancing along including the supports act that stuck around to watch these underground wonders. After knowing and listening to this band for a few years now I can finally say I have seen them and I was not disappointed. I was just a Boy when I heard you and I should have seen you earlier when I got too.


Gnarwolves take a bite out of Welly club in Hull

It seems like Gnarwolves are constantly on the road touring and for the most part that is true, as over 2015 they played shows for over half of the days in the year! Not bad for three guys from Brighton who still have part-time jobs!  As they hit Hull again, they explain the reason they have come back is the support and reaction they received last time was overwhelming why not, this time in a bigger venue, The Welly club.

Headliners Gnarwolves certainly draw in a big crowd but the support bands, Woahnows & Broadbay also have some great tunes to share as their fan bases grow. First up for my interviews I chat to Broadbay who are fresh on the scene and friends of Gnarwolves hence their addition to the tour but their addition does feel worthwhile. Broadbay are just excited to be on the road and touring again, if you want a description of them, they would say “sloppy poppy grudge”, so check them out on the link below. Their live shows especially tonight is far from sloppy as they play tight jams with poetic and aggressive lyrics, overall an exciting vibe from exciting home grown talent. 

The same can be said about fellow support friends Woahnows which seem to be everyone favourite new band after releasing their debut album, (Understanding and Everything Else) earlier this year. The album is an 11 track underground classic with lead single Puncher setting the scene for who this band are. The band have an American garage band vibe about them or dare I say it a pop/punk vibe however, they don’t stick to the usual formula currently seen by Neck Deep or Seaway aimed at mass market. As some of the lyrics are dark and deep yet have a catchy joyful feel to them. Just like Broadbay the songs transfer very well into a live setting complete with a buzzing atmosphere they almost out do Gnarwolves at getting the audience involved. So can’t wait to see them again!

Next up was Gnarwolves but could they out do Woahnows? Well yes but only just as they have a good collection of songs on which draw upon now for their sets. The crowd go even crazier for Gnarwolves as pits open up and people crowd surf like they are in California.  Just like California the temperature and atmosphere in Welly tonight sizzles to new highs as no one is left out of the show from tune to tune the band deliver and then some. As they grow slightly older with their fan base is nice to see them not changing what got them to this position in the first place, playing honest, natural, punk tracks fast and loud. This will continue as they have just announced a pre order for their new EP called, Adolescence.
Great show! Great bands! Great tour!


Tuesday 8 September 2015

Free your creativity at Freedom Festival 2015

Three days of culture explodes across Hull city as Freedom festival comes around again, getting everyone ready for the city of culture 2017.

“Freedom is being able to express yourself without your opinions being oppressed by others” so say the new kids on the block, The Talkdown when I chat to them post show at Freedom festival 2015. Today (Saturday 5th Sep) alone demonstrates the ability to express freedom from many creative streams, however, how far can you push creativity and freedom before you encounter resistance. Ratboy pushed too much apparently as their set was cut short for asking the crowd to join him on stage for a tune or two. Before that eventful closing of the festival on Saturday night there was plenty more to be had. After working a long shift on Friday I ventured down to Humber Street to take in some rock artists on the bridge stage. Opening up the festival with a bang was some quality acts from the area including, Scarlett Riot and Of Allies both prove they can bring in the crowds.

As Saturday rolls on through so does the talent, as my journey starts over in Queens Gardens. Here education is mixed with entertainment as charities, science fanatics and the BBC allow expression of freedom on a more practical side. Despite this, the term of Freedom is very loosely coined here as there is restrictions on bikes across some of the festival which is a major flaw in the planning process. Despite this I carry on my journey taking in this sites of the pirate exhibition inside The Maritime Museum before seeing some remarkable underground acts opposite Hull City Hall. Including expressive dancers and an astronaut.
There was plenty to see as I made my way towards Humber 
Street due to six iconic phone boxes. These boxes were trailing the path around the festival. Each one displaying and echoing a different message of freedom and expressiveness. Before exploring more of the festival I head to the media office to collect my media pass as I need this to professional photos from behind and in the photo pits. However, although the media team were super busy and friendly they were a bit clueless to why I was there, and resisted at first to get me a pass. With much negotiation I received a pass but it was for one stage only and not until after 9pm. The reason behind this was an oversubscription of media passes already given out, however, throughout the whole day only one other photographer entered the media area at the bridge stage leaving me feel bewildered and not respected as a media journalist (more on that moan in future blog).

With the pass in hand I headed around the festival to see what sites were to behold. There was activities for children near the domed tent with ticketed events inside. There was the yellow bus stage, bridge stage, fruit market packed as ever, food stalls and various talent on an erected band stand outside the back of fruit. Here people were treated to the delights of young acoustic stars, Bollywood dancers and swing dancers to top it off. Getting everyone in the crowd involved for a great time, I not included, I don’t dance... in public anyway. Most of my day was watching acts on the bridge stage including a new two piece from Sheffield called, Hot soles. They delivered a smoking blues set too much applause before most people started making their way to Over and Out a dramatized fireworks display complete with lighthouse zombies. Weird it may seem, it must have took a creative mind. This by far was the best thing of the festival, choreographed brilliantly before delivering a never-ending explosive finally. This was one of them, I wish I was there moments. Before the ending set of Ratboy I managed to run across the site and sneak my way into the photo pit for instrumentalists, Public Service Broadcast. They delivered an electrifying opening set which captivate the audience from the get go. I only wish I could have stayed for more but I wanted to witness the scaling power of new kid on the block Ratboy. 

A blistering set that sees Jordan AKA Ratboy and his band power through a set of relatable songs of teenage youth and today’s youth culture. Just like the youth culture though there is always the authorities standing by to get in the way of fun. As Ratboy closes off current hit Sign On, he advises the audience that he can’t stop anyone from coming on stage if they want. And with that comment the stage was shut down through their next song by the security as it was deemed to be unsafe. No one was trying to get over the barrier or even crowd surf from my view on stage, the only dangerous activity witnessed by Ratboys management was one security guard pulling him by the collar off stage and down the stairs. Although the crowd was disappointed (and there were a lot of them) they backed Ratboy 100% and chanted his name as he come out to meet all of his adoring fans. I was scheduled to have an interview with Ratboy shortly after they came off stage but took their manager to lead Jordan back into the safety of the backstage area from the masses of fans that wanted their 50th selfie with the guy. Finally, just after 11pm I managed to encourage the Ratboy guys to sit down for a few minutes to talk about the band. I did get some reaction from the guys, which can be heard on a future show, however be warned as it is like talking to the ADHD kids at school. Their style is very much extrovert which reflects their chaotic and wild shows. 

Overall, by the close of Sunday a great time was had by all but was it enough? With less attractions there was significantly less footfall this year and to put simply just not as good as last year in my opinion. With that said it was a great weekend overall for a free event, to get everyone excited for the city of culture 2017. Watch this space.

Kenny making plenty of hoops.

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