Tuesday 11 October 2016

Kings of Millennium

The stars are finally aligning for this GOLD standard band, moving them from King No-One to King Someone.

Three support acts were enlisted tonight to warm the crowd up for the showmanship of headliners, King No-One. First of is a local solo artist who fancies himself the next Jack Garrett with more tunes he could be as for now it was a decent show to pass the time. Before new act The Queen Riots hit the stage with an audacious style, raw and edgy. There act is captivating, mainly thanks to their unique vocalist and certainly ones to watch, call it a gut feeling but with the right tuition these lads can cause a riot on the scene. Final support, The Waviers, definitely make a scene with their set tonight, complete with audience participation like, singing their songs back to them. A perfect set and one King No-One had to try and better.

However, as always there is no need to worry as the lights go down the tension comes up. The anticipation from the audience to this band’s debut UK headline tour could not be more exciting, as this is a chance to show the nation they are in this for the long haul. With support flaring up all over
social media from fans and critics alike it is hard to escape the excitement of the band in their foetal stage. King No-One have everyone gripped from the opening of philosophical all the way to closing cords of millennium, In my opinion this was their tightest show as a band complete with crowd pleasing moments and a fine body of work (“hits”) to date. This band are larger than life and after following them for about 2 years I think they are finally making their way to the throne.
This tour demonstrates that King No-One can become King Someone, with their growing fan base and catalogue of hits am sure it is only a matter of time.


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