Saturday 18 November 2017

Science & Sniffs

At the start of November the other half and I volunteered again for the discovery building. However, this Saturday was extra special as the state was hosting the Wisconsin Science Festival 2017, with the discovery building being the main hub of activities. Although a lot of the festivities are aimed towards the next and younger generations it does host an array of interesting activities. We helped out with directing guests around the festival on the busy Saturday morning. For us it was a relaxing affair which included handing out promotional items and talking to families, all of which builds to experience and more so a good CV (Resume).

Although we didn’t get to sample a lot of the festival this year, it is a well recommended affair. It is an inspirational event that stretches over four days. It included demonstrations, lectures and tours from different specialities of science. As I said before as well it is across the state with events in Milwaukee and Stevens Point to name a few. It is thrilling to see so many local business involved in helping to make this festival happen as is can truly have the power to make a positive difference in their lives and for society. So mark your calendars next year for this annual autumn (fall) event as it is fun for all ages!

The other event we got up to recently was the Wisconsin Dog Fair at the Alliance event centre. YES, hundreds of dogs of many breeds were there and my wife especially was in awe. The busy event at the event centre was half filled with business selling products and breeders showing off their prized dogs. From an Alaskan Husky to a West Highland Terrie, all the dogs were on their best behaviour as they enjoyed the company of others and pranced around for the display show. Our favourite breed, which we hope to get in the future is a Great Dane, with that said we have also been won over by the cute and playful nature of breeds like Vizslas. Although you were not allowed to bring your own pets into the arena there was plenty to see and pet, to make your own dog jealous as you returned home.

The only problem with this event was that it did not seem big enough as their could have been more exhibitors involved. The event was brought to you by the kind people of Badger Kennel Club INC. This company is a community outreach programme aiming to help owners and their dogs have a fulfilling life by offering advice and support. As ever I would recommend both the show and the club to anyone who is going to or does care for a dog, or two, or five, because one is not enough. So hopefully next year there will be more breeds and clubs as you can never have enough dogs!

Also we got some super Halloween bargains, our life revolves around clearance items, and we don’t feel guilty as it gives us a few decorative and consumable items for the dark weekends/following year. He says eating his Easter candy, nom nom. Until next time happy holidays!

Monday 13 November 2017

Frzn Fest Aims To Warm Up Madison This winter.

“Frzn Fest” is a relatively new kid on the block which is fitting for the acts it presents over the winter weekend. The festival showcases some of the best new acts both locally and nationally over two venues, “High Noon Saloon” and “Majestic”. Acts such as last year’s NoName and Big Thief have gone on to bigger stages and sell-out tours, as they grown their fan bases from these smaller but no less important and pivotal shows. When I worked over in the UK I personally witnessed a lot of emerging talent from amazing festivals like this, acts such as “The 1975”, “Ellie Goulding” or even “Mumford & Sons”.

Therefore, this festival is no different as it continues to grow both the industry and the scene, thanks to the partnership of “Heartland Credit Union” and “Frank Productions” who have put this great show on again. This year’s festival links can be found below; the events stretch over three nights with separate shows in each of the two venues, so you may be spoiled for choice. Personal highlights and recommendations from me is the European rockers, “Hinds” and “Slotface” appearing on the Saturday, as well as, new hip hopers, “Shredders”.

The fine print then would be that the festival takes place January 18th until January 20th 2018 and tickets are on sale now for one night or all three nights. If you purchase the very reasonable three day ticket you also get a souvenir hat to wear when travelling to the festival, or possibly whenever you are cold. That leaves me to say come one, come all and welcome in the New Year by discovering new and exciting emerging acts for 2018!

Sunday 12 November 2017

A Fhnominal FreakFest 2017!


For those that read my previous blog about “FreakFest”, you will know that this festival is into its 9th year and was greater than ever. After some pre drinking and pre eating, we headed down to State Street to check out the sites and many costumes Madison has to offer. We did take a tumble as we head over one of the Capitol walls, but me and the Mrs. fell to the crowd in a roll around style. Instead of being in pain it turned out to be quite the humorous and romantic affair.

Back to the night, the first music we checked out was what we believed to be “The Begowatts”, a local act that dressed as turtles while playing an awesome pop punk set, warming the crowd up nicely. After more beer we then checked out “Mutemath” a national act that has been featured on a “Twilight” soundtrack and recent session with “Twenty One Pilots”. They played a show like it was their last ever, brilliant crowd interaction and sing alongs for all to join in. One of the sing alongs included a little girl, who we think was one of the band member’s daughters, sang along to a song and rocked her little heart out. Other highlights of the set include the band dressing up and the lead singer mattress surfing across the crowd while everyone sang their songs back to them. A great band I would defiantly check out again.

As we left that stage towards the main stage outside of Capitol Square, there were more costumes as ever and the best costume of the night. Two individuals dressed as the “Night King” and “Daenerys Targaryen” from “Game of Thrones” was precisely perfect in their Coplay and could be mistaken for the actual cast members. Unfortunatly due to time and money we were unable to dress up this year but hopefully next time as the planning for it has already begun. Another notable factor of this big event and State Street was the fact, not many businesses were involved in this night in terms of stands or open store fronts. The city and business could not only benefit from their involvement but it would mean that the ticket price would be more worthwhile from exclusive opening hours/offers.

As we hit the main stage “George Clinton” and friends were just finishing their set, leaving the crowd jumping around to the pop melodies and Halloween cheer. I managed to secure a photo pass for “FreakFest” meaning I got into the very large photo pit for main act “D.R.A.M.”, this provided me a place to get some great shots as ever but always leaves you feeling watched by a million eyes who are looking through you to see the stage. Nevertheless he put on a good show, with his charismatic smile and easy going tunes, showing off what he does with ease and style. I thought there would have been a more dramatic finish to the night and “D.R.A.M”’s set but once it finished things just quickly fizzled out as the crowd broke down. Hopefully with more investment and crowd in the future the shows will become grander. The only other problem with leaving at the end of the night was getting home. As ever with no public transport available (another problem with these big events) we had to use a cab or “Uber” in our case and this was $6 for a normal $6 trip plus about 15 minute wait. Needless to say we started the 3.5 mile journey on foot home until we got about a mile away we got one for $4.50 much better value and we walked off the pizza we had hahaha. Next we will pre book.

Overall, Freak Fest 2017 was a frightfully great time for a great price and we can’t wait for it to roll around again, hopefully we will have costumes this time, is boy scouts a good idea?

(PS the image is also a great costume couple but not us.)

Monday 30 October 2017

Nothing But Memories

After watching the band Nothing But Thieves support my favourite band back in 2013, I knew they were special. They delivered a beautiful set of songs from their lyrics to soaring vocals they were captivating from the get go. Since then they have toured around the world more than once and released two albums. All of this has been possible to their growing fan base and huge stadium filling songs. Unfortunately for me I have only been able to observe this growth and success from the outside by purchasing music and watching videos online. So when my new favourite band announced a USA tour, I had to jump at the chance to see them again, almost 4 years later! I booked a hotel and a 5 hour Megabus trip to the local show before organising interviews with the band and support acts. This was going to be Nothing But Memories, sorry couldn’t resist.  

As I set off on my musical journey to Minneapolis from Madison, we stopped in my in-laws town of Mauston. I was gutted I couldn’t get off the bus and check in with them but alas the journey continues. The journey itself was smooth and quiet, free wifi and a place to charge the phone. Once I got to the city I had an hour or so to take some quick sunset pictures before heading to the venue. The venue was ‘The Fine Line Music Cafe’ it seemed like a modern music venue, not much
character but very welcoming and laid out well. Before the first band hit the stage I managed to organise an interview with second support band ‘Missio’ from Austin, Texas. A great duo act who are into crafting huge pop songs, similar to ‘Imagine Dragons’ or a heavy ‘Foster The People’. However, unlike the huge scale of the songs, the two guys themselves are humble and polite. As we chilled out in the basement of the music cafe, we chatted about their rise to the stage, talking about their formation to first album “it has went from 0-60 really quick”, “there has been a real buzz about it and we can see it growing with more Loners” (‘Missio’ fans name). When ‘Missio’ played their set you could see the love and energy from the crowd, as a lot of people were singing along whether they liked it or not. Their live show is full of energy and magnitude; hopefully it won’t be too long until their touring on their own.

In a Tarantino flip, I finished my chat with ‘Missio’ and headed up to see UK support act, ‘Airways’. The band was on stage romanticising the American audience into their way for the English language, “init mate”. ‘Airways’ were also another band I interviewed that night and a refreshing change to talk with people from my motherland. Although their set was pretty placid, their sound is very visceral and natural, meaning no effects needed. To date they have crafted a handful of tracks that all pack a punch and feature on the debut EP, ‘Starting To Spin’. Lyrically they are beautifully written over a bed of gnarly rock and roll guitars; think of early ‘Arctic Monkeys’ and you won’t be far from who they are. As I descended to the basement with half of Airways we chatted about the tour, USA living and more tracks to come. “We hopefully have a new single coming out in the New Year, which we have been playing live on this USA tour. There are a lot of songs written but a lot to sort out before we can release it as a body of work”. And understandably so as I think albums can’t be just released by artists these days, they need to be teased and held back as they gather momentum from a massing fan base.

To move onto the main attraction for the night I headed down to side of stage to watch the Essex boys do it again, four years later. Not only did they deliver but surpass my expectations as they know all their instruments and responsibilities inside and out. They ploughed through a mixed set of 19 hits from the first and second album, no easy feat to sustain the energy for that long but they did it with hardly any sweat. Starting with, ‘I Am Not Made By Design’ and finishing off in style with their huge single ‘Amsterdam’. The band even added in a fan favourite to the Minneapolis set list, ‘Honey Whiskey’ after people chanting it for the second time in this venue. For the bands first encore, lead man Connor took centre stage on his own. He played a brilliant cover song before launching into ‘Hell Yeah’, demonstrating that he still knows his instrument despite focusing more on the lyrics and vocals these days. As the almost sold out crowd disappeared from the venue it was already clear this band are at the start of the rest of their career on the road around the world. With a show already confirmed at the bigger and legendary venue of, ‘First Avenue’.
As the rest of the band hung around to sign my stuff after the show and talk to fans, Connor took an early night to rest the now iconic vocal cords. As for the rest of my journey I managed to make it safely to my student house/hotel for the night. An old classic wooden house was cosy and warm for the price but did have thin walls and squeaky floor boards. Not the best when I jumped into bed to hear some girl moaning away like a porn film was being shot next door. Thankfully, I fell asleep quickly and before you know it, I was exiting, taking sunrise pictures and on the Megabus back to Madison. The journey was certainly an experience as the first and hopefully only road trip on my own in America.
As for a closing remark on the show, ‘Nothing But Thieves’ continue to grow as mature musicians. From their sophomore album (‘Broken Machine’) to live shows they have found their own niche and voice in the music world. The world stage is before them and they will continue to make it their conquering one venue at a time, so ‘U2 & Coldplay’ better be willing to share their arena tours in the not too distant future.






Monday 23 October 2017

Beer & Cheese? Yes, please.

What do you need to be a Wisconsinite? Some would say chomping on home grown cheese washed down with a bottle of local beer, while watching a Packers football game. To an extent they would be right, after living here for almost a year this is something that I have not only become accustomed to but love about Wisconsin, as it is rich in home grown flavours and food heritage. With that in mind, it is not strange then to continually host delicious food festivals throughout the year and what better way to start the year than with one of the biggest, Isthmus Beer & Cheese festival is back on Saturday the 20th of January 2018.

This year it continues to hold its ground by offering samples from over 100, yes 100 breweries from across the nation including many from local companies like, Great Dane/Capitol/Leinenkugels/Lombardi and so many more! The beer serves as a good chaser to the many food options available as well, with dairy companies offering out samples of their finest cheeses. More cheese companies are to be announced at present but so far the list does include Wisconsin’s own ‘Edelweiss Cheese’ and ‘Cesar’s Cheese’. Entertainment is also present from the dueling pianos who are two talented individuals ready to play all your requests.

The price for tickets is $50 without fees and does include a goody bag and unlimited samples from whatever you want. Tickets are on sale and sure to sell out, as they have done in years gone by so check them out and kick off the New Year with a weekend to remember.

Sunday 22 October 2017

Freaky Times In Wisconsin.

There are shows that come and go but others that grow. Like a zombie rising from the grave, Freak Fest is quietly and confidently becoming one of the go to festivals on the Mid West circuit. Just like the Majestic earlier this year it is also celebrating 10 years of putting on live shows. What better way to celebrate, than to bring out a host of talent, including hit rap artist, ‘DRAM’ and new rock legends, ‘Mutemath’. Although the festival falls on a hallowed weekend it is far from dark and dead. As the festival has a plethora of acts from all genres, across three stages as well as some great food on offer from all the local business on State Street! All the freaky fun is on Saturday the 28th of October with prices just $10 from many local businesses, so pick them up now!

Find your best costumes, grab your friends and head on down to Madison for Freak Fest 2017, for a ghoulish night to remember.

Tuesday 3 October 2017

The Majestic Reigns On

After 10 years of hosting live events, the Majestic is stronger than ever bringing the city of Madison more and more live acts. This summer the Majestic and Festival Foods presented a series of live events on King Street to mark a decade of music and entertainment.
The seven shows started in June with, ‘Dark Star Orchestra’ and ended with punk legends ‘Against Me!’. Unfortunately for me, my job did not allow me to enjoy any of these until the final event headlined by ‘Against Me!’. Even though I only got to one show it was defiantly worth it to see three touring bands hit the stage to play their heart out. The vibe of this night was certainly punk rock, starting off with a Canadian trio called ‘The Dirty Nil’, who I chatted to briefly before their set. As I met with their tour manager, I was led through the side door of the venue and up some stairs. In that brief moment of walking through the halls of The Majestic theatre I could feel the stories and history that have come from many a sold out night. After sitting down in the cramped dressing room of the support acts I was greeted with Luke, lead man of ‘The Dirty Nil’. Just like their live show the attitude coming from the band was one of confidence and passion. The music they have crafted so far is cool and evocative, which is probably why they recently won the Canadian Juno Award for Breakthrough Group at the 2017 Juno Awards. “I guess the Canadian panel finally came to their senses” discusses Luke in what seems to be a very electronic driven industry where in these days. As we discuss the awards and music, Luke hints at more music to come imminently along with maybe, collaboration with Laura Jane Grace (lead singer/song writer of Against Me!), which would be awesome. After we round up the brief chat (available on my autumn podcast) he rushes off to prepare for his set and I descend back towards King Street.
The live sets by ‘The Dirty Nil’ and second support, ‘Bleached’ were the perfect warm up acts. Delivering their own unique style and flavour to their set, offering both male and female vocals, they all played like it was the show of their lives. Speaking of shows of their lives ‘Against Me!’ were not about to hold nothing back. However, before they hit the stage there was a few touching announcements from staff at the Majestic thanking everyone who has worked or got involved with the venue in the past ten years. After the sentiment was concluded, ‘Against Me!’ finally hit the stage with a huge crowd pouring out of King Street to watch them in action. They played a hit filled set from their illustrious career of continued highs, starting with ‘True Trans Soul Rebel’ and finishing off in style with ‘Trash’. Check the image for the full set list as it was full of awesomeness, such an amazing act live and on record.

Not only did the night end with a bang but so did the summer series of shows, we look forward to next year but also to the next 10 years celebrating and enjoying THE Majestic Theatre.

Saturday 30 September 2017

The Honeymoon Period

It feels like forever since I have written a personal blog and that would be because it has been a long time since writing one and much has happened, well enough to talk about.

Since the start of June I started work as a custodial (glorified cleaner) at the ‘University of Madison’ and ‘Burlington’ (discount store) work has been busy fitting everything in, but it feels good to be earning money again and paying my way, while still being well supported by my mum and my new in law family. The roles have been acceptable so far but certainly not getting paid enough as if I worked within the UK, but more on that later.

July seen us as newlyweds finally go on honeymoon to Florida mainly for the exceptional ‘Universal Studios’ theme parks. This ever expanding business now boasts three theme parks in total, ‘Universal Studios’, ‘Island of Adventure’ and new park ‘Volcano Bay’. This trip was also extra special as we had a good dose of UK accents and foods, including our friends from the U.K. that came to share the experience with us. Our trip started with me finishing work at night, before being whisked away with the wife to Milwaukee airport, two flights, one movie and a few snacks later we were in Florida. We already had a ride to our hotel organised which made it simpler, better still it was a friendly guy from Cuba, who hopefully convinced my wife to explore his native country in the future. The first day (arrival day) gave us enough time to check in to the average/good hotel and take the short walk to ‘Universal City Walk’. This was the entrance to the parks and housed lots of entertainment areas and stores for anyone that comes to visit as no ticket is needed for this area just strict security checks. The highlight from this area would have to be ‘The Chocolate Emporium’ a glamorous steam punk themed restaurant full of chocolate as you would guess, but also delicious and huge milkshakes ($12 each with free plastic jar); this is a must to do! Then we went for a brief introduction into ‘Universal Studios’ Main park to experience the Terminator show (very dated) and Simpsons ride (rather enjoyable).

The second day was perfectly setup as ever with a free hotel breakfast and a full tour of ‘Universal Studios’ with our friends from the U.K. Once we met up with them in the park we all marched on to the spellbinding ‘Harry Potter’ world of ‘Diagon Alley’ luckily we had an early entry pass (an essential purchase/upgrade!) so we could enjoy some of the sights with less people and jump on the magical rides before the huge lines began. The ‘Hogwarts Express’ train which runs from a fake Kings Cross train station in ‘Universal Studios’ to ‘Islands of Adventure’ is certainly an experience and worth checking out. Although you are riding an actual steam train the view from the windows is green screen and takes me back to being in England. The Kings Cross station is weirdly familiar to the actual one in London, which I have sat around in for hours on end. It even sells U.K. confectionary and displays may places I have visited on the time table boards, such details demands an applause. 
As the adventure and honeymoon continues, we discovered new areas, rides and food. All of it equally awesome and totally encompassing from the staff costumes to the music. However, the refreshments could be improved as quality does not match the price. It was great to have butter beer and a huge Simpsons donut but the “European food/breakfasts” we got were way off point. They served us fruit of melon pineapple etc with a croissant and a scone, nowhere near what us British have for breakfast. Moving from food to merchandise now and as you would expect there is a plethora of special and classic items in the various stores. One store I would recommend is the Island of adventure universal store or the stores in City Walk as they have big collections. As the Honeymoon started to wind down the excitement did not as we were always raring to go on the next day after only 5-6 hours sleep. We managed to take in some of the tourist trail in Orlando, visiting Ripleys museum and THE Hulk Hogan store.

Although we only got to enjoy the water park (Volcano Bay) for a brief period it was totally encompassing and brilliant in every way. Once you walk under the walkway to reach the new park the environment changes for the better and it feels like you are transported to the Caribbean. Navigating through the queue and beach huts takes little time before you are met with an impressive volcano towering over the skyline. The water park rides are also encompassing for all ages and fear levels, perfect for the summer sun. The only concern I would say for future travellers is the lockers are over priced at about $8 (for the day) when you should get one for free. Also you must get there early to get a good spot on the beach or to even get in as it reaches capacity really fast. Again merchandise and food can be pricey so stay smart and plan ahead.

We enjoyed the final night with our friends Mike and Katy by dangerously feeding the ducks in extrovert ways before being serenaded by opera singers in the couples beautiful makeshift hotel, which reflected Italy perfectly. This time, along with return the flight was a great chance to reflect and be thankful for what we have at the moment and what we have fought for as a couple. As Johnny Cash once sang ‘a richer man is someone without any money’. On that note the chapter of summer has closed on our first few months together, here is too many more, cheers to the newlyweds.

Saturday 16 September 2017

No Maintenance Required

The sophomore album by British rockers ‘Nothing But Thieves’ maybe called ‘Broken Machine’ but their music is far from kaput. This month signifies the release of the bands striking new album, a follow up to their highly successful debut album.

From the lead singles and theme of the album as a whole, it is clear that the band have developed both as artists and people. As Connor (vocalist) has described in many interviews the album comes from spending many of the last few years on the road dealing with health issues and relationships. These experiences have led ‘Nothing But Thieves’ to deliver a album full of soul and experimentation. As soon as the album begins on opener ‘I Was Just A Kid’ there is a mindful connection between where the band was when writing the first to where they are now. They are delivering a more mature sound and certainly something that would fit onto a ‘Foo Fighters’ record.

This track leads smoothly into their biggest single to date ‘Amsterdam’ A huge sounding anthem that has already been enjoyed in small club shows, begging to be used in stadiums with the crowd at their feet. As the album progresses through Connors vocals are demonstrated in remarkable quality showing range and passion. Especially on tracks, ‘Sorry’ and ‘Live Like Animals’, which shows the band stepping into new territory. Just like their live shows ‘Nothing But Thieves’ seamlessly move from moody intimate tracks to loud adrenaline filled arenas. ‘I’m Not Made By Design’ and ‘Afterlife’ demonstrate this superbly, possibly showing that they are the Radiohead of our generation if not bigger!

Just like the title track of ‘Broken Machine’, ‘Particles’ and ‘Get Better’ have connected with so many people due to them being based on the issue of mental health. This topic is growing in awareness but should certainly be championed more as young men suffer with this more and more but are afraid to speak of it. I know I have been in that dark place and thankfully came out the other side, it was music (and my wife) that helped me so it is great to see more acts in recent times addressing it.

‘Broken Machine’ is not only a statement about the potential future for ‘Nothing But Thieves’ but a statement representative of our current culture and society. This album is beautiful, from conception to delivery by one of the pioneering bands of this century. No music collection will be complete without this in your life.
Ps Pick up the ‘Broken Machine’ deluxe album as there is many extra treasures to be found, like the acoustic version of ‘sorry’.

Sunday 2 July 2017

Long Live Vista

Vista – Long Live EP review.

This EP breathes life into a fading scene and will certainly assist in giving ‘Vista’ a long lived career as artists. The new EP drops on July 21st so save the date.

‘Vista’ is an American two piece rock act from the east coast, fuelled by the digital age of music. Think of the new band ‘Pvris’ but a 2.0 version which embraces more production. The EP launches into their best work to date, the song ‘Allegiance’ is a sing along gem, perfect for festivals. Likewise their previous single, ‘Henchmen’ & title track, ‘Long Live’ are also high octane tracks on record and exciting to see live. The criticism to come from this EP is that the production use is heavy but not in a hundred percent original way, I would like to see the duo experiment more and go wild with their ideas as it feels a bit reserved.

In a world full of online media it is simple to easy access new music, meaning it is hard for new artists to stand out in a flood of streaming sites. ‘Vista’ is just one of them acts and as a new act still in their infancy they are still finding who they are. With that said their style from music to image is streamline, captivating and feels exciting, as the buzz for this band is growing. This EP is just a tip of their musical voyage, long live ‘Vista’.

Monday 29 May 2017

Brats, Beer And Beats

The world’s largest Brat Fest opens its gates once again, at the beautiful Willow Island in Madison, Wisconsin. The first experience I had with this iconic Wisconsin festival was seeing an unusual bright yellow t-shirt hung up in my wife’s closet, on it was the now recognisable cartoon brat. Ever since then I have been waiting with anticipation to check out the festival full of brats, beer and musical beats.

The smiling brat face is very striking and could even described as timeless in its appearance, as it appeals to the whole family but this is just one of the many reasons why hundreds of thousands of visitors flock to the states capitol every year since 1983. The obvious initial attraction for the festival is the food, the famous brat cook out rustles up millions of tasty treats for the masses, including hog and vegan brats. What better way to wash down a brat on a summer’s day, than with a beer, my choice being a local brew from Capitol Brewery. The sweet taste of the golden amber nectar complimented the delicious brat from the first bite.

While chomping down on food and drink, there was plenty of music to sit back and enjoy for free! There were four stages to check out from a verity of artists, from rap to rock. As well as music, there was a grand car show, carnival ground and plenty of activities for the children. After hitting the festival with the in laws on the Saturday I and the wife decided to go back for a second day on Sunday... Mainly because of the free firework show but also more brats and music, how could we resist. Also with it being Memorial weekend it is a good way to bring people together to remember those we may have lost.

If you haven’t been to Brat Fest before or want to experience a taste of real American culture, then this festival should be on your summer to do list. I certainly cannot wait until it rolls around again, however I am hoping for some little improvements in the festival for the future. It would be nice to see more things to do at the festival, more staggered stage times, more food types at better prices such as Brat flavours. With that said this festival is home grown and free, helped along by an army of volunteers and some generous charities.

So next year start the summer right with some beer, brats and beats in the summer solstice.

Saturday 20 May 2017

The Man With Stars On His Knees

Aaron Buchanan And The Cult Classics – The Man With Stars On His Knees album review.
‘Aaron Buchanan’ has stars on his knees and superstar status in his mind with this debut album shooting him skywards. The album entitled "The Man With Stars On His Knees" is fuelled by explosive and melodic rock from start to finish, with the help of Aarons’ band, ‘The Cult Classics’.
Aaron is no stranger to the rock scene being in various projects and bands including, the ever changing, Heavens Basement. The experiences he has had and the background growing up in the music scene shine through his debut solo work as it pays homage to late generations of rock n roll. After listening to the album in full one can truly appreciate the eclectic and brilliant sound that has been crafted. Tracks like ‘All The Things You Have Said And Done’ and ‘Dancin’ Down Below’ are made for anyone to shake out their vocal cords, while title track ‘The Man With Stars On His Knees’ will get everyone reaching for their air guitars.
The pinnacle track would be ‘Journey Out Of Here’ as it combines all the best aspects of the artist and band. The track starts as an angelic poetic love affair with Aaron’s unique voice and lyrics before being treated to a heavy grinding riff. All the tracks from this debut solo project are worth having on repeat and certainly will be an experience when transformed into a live format.
A perfect comparison of this music to any others would be the love child of ‘Rise Against’ and ‘Queen’.  ‘The Man With Stars On His Knees’ drops to earth at the end of May so sit down, pick up the album and prepare for an intergalactic thrill ride from the next generation of rock star.

Sunday 7 May 2017

Feel The Love This Summer

Clean Cut Kid – Felt album review

Feel the love this summer. After working relentlessly for almost two years, hoping on tours and teasing us with singles, ‘Clean Cut Kid’ has finally released a debut album, ‘Felt’.  Just like the name suggests it is a feel good album bursting with life and colour for people of all ages.

The passion these four “Liverpodlian” musicians have for music can be ‘Felt’ throughout this exciting body of work, as they prove they are more than capable of writing more than one hit. After picking up the album you will realise that ‘Felt’ is a collection of sing-along singles that you have constantly been humming to over the last year, all produced by the same band.  From ‘Vitamin C’ to ‘Runaway’, ‘Make Believe’ to ‘Pick Me Up’ these songs just leave you filled with joy and will certainly put a smile on your face. Just like their live shows, the album never has a dull moment. Even when the tempo drops to the slower ballads of ‘Evelyn’ and ‘Brother Of Mine’, your audio senses are captured into the tracks narratives.  
A stand out track is really hard on this solid piece of work, but the title track of, ‘Felt’ would be up there. Due to it being a master piece of a pop song, showing depth and love backed up by a catchy chorus, as per. If you want to impress a significant other, make sure to check out this super charged debut album as it will help cement anyone’s coolness as “I heard them first”. For fans of ‘The 1975’, ‘Michael Jackson’ &  huge sing-alongs’.  ‘Felt’ is an album full of intertwining musical gems resulting in a smooth standout album, which will be THE debut of the year. 

Thursday 4 May 2017

Hear The Love Lion Roar

Uncle Frank – Love Lion album review.

Hear the Love Lion roar as the quartet rockers, ‘Uncle Frank’ triumphantly return with their second album, ‘Love Lion’. Full of groove and swagger, this album is a perfect fit for THE soundtrack to 2017 and beyond.

Love Lion, is destined to make anyone with a soul move, from the initial opening of ‘Love Lion’ to closer of ‘North Shore’ it is clear that ‘Uncle Frank’ have developed their sound on from the first record. They have done this by taking their core scar punk music sound and bringing it into the 21st century with added production.  This sound is not a hundred percent unique with the amount of revivals and nostalgia floating around, but it is original and exciting for ‘Uncle Frank’ to step into this new territory. As they have proven before they are more than capable of crafting their own musical treasures, which can get the listeners/audience moving.

Alongside the wilder funk tracks are some delicate love songs such as, ‘Your Man’ which will suit all audiences. Stand out track is be ‘Ku Ku Nu’, which has a perfect summer vibe, certainly one for the festivals or club nights, responsibly knocking back a bottle of beer. For fans of ‘Kasabian’,  ‘Blondie’ & good old soul/funk.  ‘Uncle Frank’ has already released ‘Love Lion’ upon to the world so if you want to excite your soul, go capture this wild and evocative album now.

Sunday 5 March 2017

New Year, New Post.

A new year and a new post. This year has already been busy. Not on the music scene but on the personal scene, as I am now happily married and part of a new growing family. Since moving over here we have been continuing with our visa and employment paperwork and are currently awaiting the final (ish) stage. It was also the most expensive stage but after this is complete I can finally work and live in the USA, for the next 2 years. Then we have to file for permanent citizenship, what an effort but all worth it. It defiantly is worth it as we both looked into each other’s eyes and said our vows; it confirmed our never ending love.

The weekend started on Friday night setting up and rehearsing for the big day, we were given three hours but it went far too fast. We managed to added finishing touches to the already beautiful venue and felt ready for the magical event to begin. After a family fish fry we headed in different directions with the aim of meeting up down the aisle. I arrived at the venue early to make sure everything was about to run smooth, after some technical issues with the music, we were ready to walk. Standing at the top of alter with everyone we cared about around us, it was one of the best feeling ever. The final bars of the song started as my beautiful blushing bride took to the aisle, I had to turn away and bite my lip to hold back the emotion that had come over me. Even when Kimberly was standing upon the alter I found it hard to stay composed. The ceremony went well and the whirlwind begun as the time flew by too fast. From photographs to food, dance to goodbyes it was all over in a flash. We could not have planned and delivered a better day as everyone left smiling and some even had free pizzas, 65 pizzas was too many but you can’t go wrong with pizza.
The week of the wedding and week after the wedding was also a memorable time as my mother took her first flight ever! And it was over to the USA, what a crazy but dedicated mother, she is amazing and anyone would be proud to have her.
January and February came and went, along with the delivery of love and gifts from the families on both sides of the Atlantic. Unfortunately we still need the house to put them in but I am sure it is not far off as we stay positive together. Now the waiting game continues as we see how long the government will keep up guessing of what’s next. The strength to carry on comes from the love for each other and the notion or dream of we can do anything together.
P.S. I now have an Instagram to share more of my photos so check it out, yo!



Kenny making plenty of hoops.

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