Saturday 30 September 2017

The Honeymoon Period

It feels like forever since I have written a personal blog and that would be because it has been a long time since writing one and much has happened, well enough to talk about.

Since the start of June I started work as a custodial (glorified cleaner) at the ‘University of Madison’ and ‘Burlington’ (discount store) work has been busy fitting everything in, but it feels good to be earning money again and paying my way, while still being well supported by my mum and my new in law family. The roles have been acceptable so far but certainly not getting paid enough as if I worked within the UK, but more on that later.

July seen us as newlyweds finally go on honeymoon to Florida mainly for the exceptional ‘Universal Studios’ theme parks. This ever expanding business now boasts three theme parks in total, ‘Universal Studios’, ‘Island of Adventure’ and new park ‘Volcano Bay’. This trip was also extra special as we had a good dose of UK accents and foods, including our friends from the U.K. that came to share the experience with us. Our trip started with me finishing work at night, before being whisked away with the wife to Milwaukee airport, two flights, one movie and a few snacks later we were in Florida. We already had a ride to our hotel organised which made it simpler, better still it was a friendly guy from Cuba, who hopefully convinced my wife to explore his native country in the future. The first day (arrival day) gave us enough time to check in to the average/good hotel and take the short walk to ‘Universal City Walk’. This was the entrance to the parks and housed lots of entertainment areas and stores for anyone that comes to visit as no ticket is needed for this area just strict security checks. The highlight from this area would have to be ‘The Chocolate Emporium’ a glamorous steam punk themed restaurant full of chocolate as you would guess, but also delicious and huge milkshakes ($12 each with free plastic jar); this is a must to do! Then we went for a brief introduction into ‘Universal Studios’ Main park to experience the Terminator show (very dated) and Simpsons ride (rather enjoyable).

The second day was perfectly setup as ever with a free hotel breakfast and a full tour of ‘Universal Studios’ with our friends from the U.K. Once we met up with them in the park we all marched on to the spellbinding ‘Harry Potter’ world of ‘Diagon Alley’ luckily we had an early entry pass (an essential purchase/upgrade!) so we could enjoy some of the sights with less people and jump on the magical rides before the huge lines began. The ‘Hogwarts Express’ train which runs from a fake Kings Cross train station in ‘Universal Studios’ to ‘Islands of Adventure’ is certainly an experience and worth checking out. Although you are riding an actual steam train the view from the windows is green screen and takes me back to being in England. The Kings Cross station is weirdly familiar to the actual one in London, which I have sat around in for hours on end. It even sells U.K. confectionary and displays may places I have visited on the time table boards, such details demands an applause. 
As the adventure and honeymoon continues, we discovered new areas, rides and food. All of it equally awesome and totally encompassing from the staff costumes to the music. However, the refreshments could be improved as quality does not match the price. It was great to have butter beer and a huge Simpsons donut but the “European food/breakfasts” we got were way off point. They served us fruit of melon pineapple etc with a croissant and a scone, nowhere near what us British have for breakfast. Moving from food to merchandise now and as you would expect there is a plethora of special and classic items in the various stores. One store I would recommend is the Island of adventure universal store or the stores in City Walk as they have big collections. As the Honeymoon started to wind down the excitement did not as we were always raring to go on the next day after only 5-6 hours sleep. We managed to take in some of the tourist trail in Orlando, visiting Ripleys museum and THE Hulk Hogan store.

Although we only got to enjoy the water park (Volcano Bay) for a brief period it was totally encompassing and brilliant in every way. Once you walk under the walkway to reach the new park the environment changes for the better and it feels like you are transported to the Caribbean. Navigating through the queue and beach huts takes little time before you are met with an impressive volcano towering over the skyline. The water park rides are also encompassing for all ages and fear levels, perfect for the summer sun. The only concern I would say for future travellers is the lockers are over priced at about $8 (for the day) when you should get one for free. Also you must get there early to get a good spot on the beach or to even get in as it reaches capacity really fast. Again merchandise and food can be pricey so stay smart and plan ahead.

We enjoyed the final night with our friends Mike and Katy by dangerously feeding the ducks in extrovert ways before being serenaded by opera singers in the couples beautiful makeshift hotel, which reflected Italy perfectly. This time, along with return the flight was a great chance to reflect and be thankful for what we have at the moment and what we have fought for as a couple. As Johnny Cash once sang ‘a richer man is someone without any money’. On that note the chapter of summer has closed on our first few months together, here is too many more, cheers to the newlyweds.

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