Sunday 28 November 2021

Kenny making plenty of hoops.

 KennyHoopla at The Rave Milwaukee - 11-26-2021

From rags to riches it seems as KennyHoopla has gone from an online artist to a new rock star. Although KennyHoopla can delivered songs with hooks and passion it was, in my mind Travis Barker that has helped to push KennyHoopla to were he is today by delivering him to the world stage. Rightly so as tonight’s show proves.

The doors of the venue are flung open early to welcome in charity donors, simple bring a new toy to donate and you get a meet and greet with the Rolling Stones, ones to watch artist. A slightly introvert man who is very friendly with all that come by him. After this short stent the warm up band graces the stage, ‘Shoobie’ are just like Kenny, being local to the area and it shows as fans are joining in with their punk rock chants. Great energy and showmanship from this younger group.

Then it is a casual transition to the main act KennyHoopla, welcomed in by his own friend and DJ hit the ground running delivering older and newer songs. There was a lot of technical difficulties with sound and mics leading to a less than streamlined show. However, when the songs hit they hit hard, with the crowd going crazy for his songs and antics. As he paused to talk to the crowd he looked vulnerable and shy, surprisingly considering his recent rise and wild shows seen online. I am sure that playing to a local crowd once again has him on the back foot, this will be something that will develop over time and as he becomes more experienced will become more of the stage manager not just the artist.

KennyHoopla can once again add another accolade to his belt tonight with a sold-out hometown (kind of) show. Although it was short it was certainly sweet.

Kenny making plenty of hoops.

 KennyHoopla at The Rave Milwaukee - 11-26-2021 From rags to riches it seems as KennyHoopla has gone from an online artist to a new rock s...