Thursday 18 August 2016

Enough emotion to make you Blush

Moose Blood are one of them hard working UK bands that started on the toilet circuit, playing to half-filled rooms but all that started to turn since the release of their debut album. Many fans from the UK and beyond gained a strong connection to the band, through their joyes tabs and emotional lyrics which felt honest. In the last year they have gained a huge label (Hopeless Records) and powered through with their second album release, Blush, which sees them take the leap from your standard band to full blown international touring champions.

Unfortunately for me I had only got into the band at the end of 2015 and have since missed seeing the band so when they announced some low key acoustic sessions free at HMV, I made the 100mile trip to see them live for the first time and meet them again. Everything about this second album campaign felt bigger yet still personal, as the band still considered the fans and making music which they would be proud of. Backed with a pink backdrop the live shows and artwork has encapsulated everyone into this “emo gang”. I am fully converted into the gang now and can’t wait to see what more they have in store.

The acoustic session day for me was worth it, getting to Manchester bright and very early, I walked around the commuter filled streets before heading to HMV as the shutters were opening to make sure I wouldn’t miss the event, which apparently was due to start at 5.30 with the que starting at 3.00 but it’s best to be early as you never know what may happen. After enquiring and purchasing the album, I searched high and low for the first album on CD or possibly vinyl but to no prevail, and only a handful online am surprised that more places aren’t selling it next to the new album. It would make for a way to increase album sales, but hey that’s my opinion, silly business. However, I did find Twin Atlantic on the front cover of upset magazine which I was looking for and a suicide Squad freebie comic, both of which helped the boredom of waiting around.

After joining the que early as planned, the que grew rapidly with at least 200 fans in attendance, many younger but many older who have followed this band from year zero. Speaking to some people the excitement and proudness was felt by many, including two little hard-core fans who knew quite a bit about music considering they were about 9 years old, good parents to let them have unique experiences like this, rock on dad, haha.

The session was great as they played 5 songs, two new ones and three old ones, all of which can be viewed on my YouTube channel below, sounded great and felt very raw and emotional, to almost make you Blush. The album it’s self is a brilliant result and actually achieved a number 10 in UK charts impressive from a relatively unknown band. ‘Pastel’ starts the album off where ‘Cherry’ finished and introduces the transition from one record to the next by highlighting the development of the band. Like the first album the energy is high throughout the album that is until they through in a slow and moving track called ‘Shimmer’. Overall, the album has huge production sound but still feels personal and honest, as the band themselves are simply citing their experiences of growing up in recent years, which is why it connects to so many. Personal favourites of mine are ‘Honey’ and ‘Cheek’ because who doesn’t like a good sing along!

Moose Blood are just at the start of their career, come on and join the gang as it surly will be a long and emotional ride, filled with many more highs.

Sunday 14 August 2016

Don & The Massmatiks

Don Broco – 03-08-16

Don & the Massmatiks was one tour that took over the whole of the UK playing two nights at every city to showcase both of their albums in full. Unfortunately I could only attended one night for the mighty Don Broco and I chose the first night in Leeds. The first night show cased the album, Automatic and can’t believe I could almost remember every word, such a great album and so catchy, Before the actual show, I went to Crash Records to pick up my gig ticket and who did I hear behind me checking out the records non other than Don Broco, but when I realised they were already outside, still I have enough signed items by them. Back to the music, I remembered why I love the band, the venue was heaving, hot and so wild!  

Before the wild sweaty dance moves of Don Broco however, it is the turn of new kids on the block, Massmatiks. A great live act that fuse together heavy pop/rock rhythm with London rapping. I got to chat with the guys in Morrison's café before the show to find out where these guys have come from, what is next and what law they would change. Although their lead man is a champion kickboxer and they have some fighting talk tracks, they are a pretty laid back bunch, which just want to party the night away. What better way to do it than with a sold out UK tour with party people themselves, DB. The band said they are taking every day as there last and just enjoying playing live, putting their heart and soul into this band. There excitement shines through when talking to them and during their live show which gets a small but loud singalong. Want to know more about what the band said? Check out the link below for the full podcast interview. Unfortunately due to the security getting a power trip again, I wasn't allowed to bring in my camera to the Key Club Leeds, which I only complain about because in last four months travelling around the UK for shows everywhere including 02 academy's have let me in, so Key Club sort it out.

As for the main act then, DB come out all guns blazing, allowing everyone including themselves to catch the odd breath between tracks before stomping through the whole album, dance moves and singalongs galore. To end on a high they play some bonus tracks of Money, Power, Fame and new single, everybody. This is a band showing you how to put on a party, building on their reputation by crafting more hits! Super Love for this band at the moment, until next time.

The Waives, Small Talk

Welcome, The Waives! A fantastic new band from Hull, I hearty recommend.

What is your name and what does others play in the band:

I am Sam, singer & rhythm guitarist

Will, singer & lead guitarist

Matty, bassist

Ollie, drummer

Band in one word:


If you could switch bodies with someone from the band, who would it be:

It would have to be [Will] Kirby, to try and understand what goes through his head and to be able to play the amazing solos he creates from nowhere, also some of the lyrics he's written are absolutely beautiful so being able to write like that for a day would be an inspiring experience

If they swapped with you, what would they discover?

All it not what it seem

What skill would you like to learn:

Play Harmonica

What law would you change:

Change the law on the foods served in schools, it was so much better when you could have burgers and pizza 5 days in a row for your lunch, the kids today are being fed rabbit food
Check out this local Hull band as they make their way through the venues of Humberside as when 2017 rolls in they will be travelling the UK and beyond!

Sunday 7 August 2016

Titanic Lake Komo

Lake Komo – 26-07-16

Different kind of night as I headed to The Adelphi Club for this show, first there wasn’t a guest list yet but they still let me in (sign I come to often). I contacted the tour manager, great guy to set up the interview I had been given, they invited me down to Weatherspoon’s but it shut down! You know it’s bad for the economy when one of their pubs shuts anyway, sorry side tracked. After meeting up with the band near Weatherspoon’s we walked to an Egyptian restaurant which is actually one minute walk from my house, the service in there was slow with one person cooking got annoying. Back to the music I chatted with the band about their planned big Lancaster gig which they filmed and recorded maybe for future release they said, watch this space. We also did chat about random questions and their new song Milwaukee which was not named after the city or anything to do with the state of Wisconsin. It was used as a name for the song from someone’s jumper in the recording studio. Random song name yes but random song, no, the song is powerful both in composition and delivery.

In terms of the live show, unfortunately I missed the supports due to lake Egyptian food but having seen both local supports before, Wake Up In Vegas & Yasmin Coe I would recommend them both. As for Lake Komo’s set, it is much better when you know the songs, which I did this time around. They delivered their new and older songs brilliantly as a tight well knitted unit, gliding from what can only be described as one hit to another. There could be the criticism that they lack the stage presence to interact and relate with an audience, however, they are still in the forming steps as a band and nerves can come out. Brilliant live sound none the less and I still feel very lucky to be seeing this band playing toilet circuit tours. As I am sure next year this band like Clean Cut Kid and Blossoms will be hitting high into the charts and playing sold out shows across the UK.

 DO NOT HANG ABOUT, Lake Komo are just like the name suggests, perfect and immense.

Black Peaks beacon through the night sky

Black Peaks – 21-07-16

Black Peaks have done a lot of gigs and miles in just a few years including earlier this year opening for Deftones at Wembley arena. Their debut record is just like their shows a gnarly gritty sound which shows depth and promise.

The first band on tonight was a last minute addition due to the touring support dropping out. The latest addition however, was simply brilliant in my opinion. A young La Dispute or Landscapes who are still finding their feet. The Escape Artist is their name and they are local hull lads just passionate about music and sound. After only being form a few months they have created a handful of deep and captivating songs which you cannot escape, can’t wait to see them again!

Second band is The Colour Line and are well known in Humberside, still plugging away with their classic set but with a wild side, The Lead vocalist is certainly taking a page out of Jason Butlers (Letlive) book and leaving no surface and pole in touched in the venue as they thrash about some infectious rhythms.

Last it is time for headliners Black Peaks who are nice guys but are bit too much of divas to give an interview, where’s the rebellious rock and roll image gone to chat to someone for five minutes about their art. Rant over, their show was brilliantly delivered with hard core fans only in attendance.

Kenny making plenty of hoops.

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