Sunday 14 August 2016

Don & The Massmatiks

Don Broco – 03-08-16

Don & the Massmatiks was one tour that took over the whole of the UK playing two nights at every city to showcase both of their albums in full. Unfortunately I could only attended one night for the mighty Don Broco and I chose the first night in Leeds. The first night show cased the album, Automatic and can’t believe I could almost remember every word, such a great album and so catchy, Before the actual show, I went to Crash Records to pick up my gig ticket and who did I hear behind me checking out the records non other than Don Broco, but when I realised they were already outside, still I have enough signed items by them. Back to the music, I remembered why I love the band, the venue was heaving, hot and so wild!  

Before the wild sweaty dance moves of Don Broco however, it is the turn of new kids on the block, Massmatiks. A great live act that fuse together heavy pop/rock rhythm with London rapping. I got to chat with the guys in Morrison's café before the show to find out where these guys have come from, what is next and what law they would change. Although their lead man is a champion kickboxer and they have some fighting talk tracks, they are a pretty laid back bunch, which just want to party the night away. What better way to do it than with a sold out UK tour with party people themselves, DB. The band said they are taking every day as there last and just enjoying playing live, putting their heart and soul into this band. There excitement shines through when talking to them and during their live show which gets a small but loud singalong. Want to know more about what the band said? Check out the link below for the full podcast interview. Unfortunately due to the security getting a power trip again, I wasn't allowed to bring in my camera to the Key Club Leeds, which I only complain about because in last four months travelling around the UK for shows everywhere including 02 academy's have let me in, so Key Club sort it out.

As for the main act then, DB come out all guns blazing, allowing everyone including themselves to catch the odd breath between tracks before stomping through the whole album, dance moves and singalongs galore. To end on a high they play some bonus tracks of Money, Power, Fame and new single, everybody. This is a band showing you how to put on a party, building on their reputation by crafting more hits! Super Love for this band at the moment, until next time.

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