Thursday 29 September 2016

The Pigeon Detectives, Small Talk

The Pigeon Detectives, do you want to introduce yourself and say what you play in the band?

Hello, I’m Matt and I sing.

What have you been up to today?

I’ve been to the gym (boxing) to get match fit for the tour, done 7 interviews before lunch, made a sandwich, eaten a sandwich, been and proofed the t-shirts for our merch stand so they can begin printing off all 600 and I’m just about to head to rehearsals to learn how to play all our songs again!

You are going out tour this month playing around the UK, what are the personal essentials you pack for tour, any lucky mascots?

As long as you bring a clean t-shirt and underwear for each gig then you’re pretty much sorted. We have our rider requests nailed now after a decade touring so pretty much everything we could need is delivered to the dressing room each day!

Having spent 12 years on the road as a band, touring the world, what have been the stand out highlights/low points?

There’s hasn’t really been any low points! Being away from friends and family is hard..but being on tour and waking up in a different place each day is amazing. Touring highlights have to be the first time we played in America and Japan, it was like we were living someone else’s life – it still blows me away visiting those places now but the first time was really special.

Favourite show/ most memorable of all time you have played?

I’ll never forget the first time we were stood onstage and we could see people in the crowd singing our songs back at us for the first time. I don’t mean friends and family, I mean actual strangers that were there to check out the band and they knew the words. That was the beginning of everything and our lives changed for ever from that gig onwards. I’ll never forget Glastonbury main stage or sharing the main stage at Reading and Leeds with The Strokes.

You are playing some sweaty club shows to get back onto the road but also to promote the new single, Lose Control! Will the set be a greatest hits or new album heavy?

We’re turning up to these small venues to take names! It’s going to be all the ‘hits’ with a couple of new ones sandwiched in there for people to take a breather and enjoy.

Going off the title, when was the last time you lost control?

The song lyrics shouldn’t be taken too literally. This songs is more of an internal conversation between your ‘good’ self and your ‘evil’ self than a documentary ion a specific event. We all want to be the best person we can be, but let’s be honest the wheels fall off every now and again and that’s what makes us human.

 Lose Control is from your fifth album in are you bothered about critics and chart success?

Critically it would be lovely to get some recognition or accolade for the direction we’ve taken with this album, but it isn’t a driving factor we consider when making music. Chart success is great for the ego, it’s a validation that what you’ve done has crossed over into popular culture and it opens a s**tload of doors to promote the album, but again it’s not something we worry about or concern ourselves with.

Being in the music industry for over a decade now how do you feel it has changed?

It’s brutal. It’s absolutely brutal. Kids don’t even get a chance to express themselves and develop or write a second album! They get one chance and if it isn’t a hit you’re finished and the label is on to the next prospect! I love the music industry but I despise the music business, the two have slowly become indistinguishable and bands need to start to revert back to the DIY approach of releasing music and touring by themselves and for themselves, not to line the pockets of big companies.

Where do you see The Pigeon Detectives in three years’ time?

If a shark stops swimming it dies. We’ve had a decade of front crawling around the world and have no intention of getting out of the water for a long time. Even though the venues on this tour are deliberately small and we knew they would sell out, we didn’t expect them to sell out in under a week – that show of support from our fans has really galvanised us as a band again and we feel ready to take on all comers…

Final last words?

Thanks for the interview and some decent thought provoking questions!

Matt x

Best of luck on tour!

Sunday 18 September 2016

Pup, Parrots, Pizza

Another busy gig day travelling, listening to sound checks and getting to chat with three bands before bed, all in a days work.

New band, The Parrots make a flying trip over to the UK from Madrid to promote their debut album, but it was the support act that drew me to the show tonight. However before the main gig tonight in Leeds I quickly changed the plan to add in a trip to the Brudnell social club as PUP (Canadian band) were in town as well! After departing the train and looking around the usual shops in Leeds I headed for the Brudnell social club on the residential area of Leeds, great venue with many famous faces playing there in the past. From past to the present, todays stars were PUP a band who I have been following for past few years but never got around to seeing them. Previous to today I was trying my hardest to organise an interview with the band, however their press contact does not reply, there lead man, Stefan does though, a cool guy. Not only did he reply but give me an interview at the venue pre show. After chatting with the guitarist for the podcast, I was lucky enough to stay in the venue and watch them sound check two songs and watch the support band Solids sound check as well as getting things signed (see link for interview, will be live by Nov 2016).

However, that was the end of one adventure, would have loved to stop for the gig but I had another interview awaiting and a show I have been wanting to catch for a while. To Head row house I headed, a modern venue and my first time in it, daunting at first by where to go I headed up the winding stairs to a beautiful roof terrace, heading back down to the second level I found the event space as it were, Luckily enough, The Orielles were just sound checking with the Parrots watching, after getting something signed very lovingly by the Spanish parrots, I awaited to chat the main event The Orielles. The interview took place on the roof, as we (me and Orielles) chatted nervously through an interview, it was evident that these three are not too far from my mind set of being reserved creative individuals that are constantly thinking of what to do next (again interview in coming months).

After customising my vinyl’s they headed for food, while I checked out the show below, first act a two piece from Leeds, left a good impression on the handful of crowd present. It was left to The Orielles to kick things up a notch, by laying down their dreamy surf rock they drew in the bigger crowd. The headliners tonight The Parrots, usually go even crazier, however due to late set times and my last train times, I had to leave pre parrots show, gutted but am sure there music and tour will soon see them fly my way again. Even though I was home early, it was still an awesome day and made a new contact in the form of pizzaforthepeople. A great promoter duo who are putting on a special gig night featuring brilliant acts, including Night Owls, Narcs and Le BĂȘte Blooms. It will not just be any gig as there will be pizza available among other activities and food, so check it out now on twitter and more.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Charlie, Review

Charlie EP Review

Wild, honest and dark the music certainly reflects the artwork from this self-titled debut EP by Charlie. First track of four, ‘Five In The Morning’ introduces to the unique sound and what to expect from this EP, catchy choruses with a funky baseline. This magic seeps through to track two and three, before the warming and honest sounds of EP closer, ‘Another Woman’. Unfortunately it is an abrupt end to the EP which just leaves you wanting more.

Charlie EP showcases a snippet of creative brilliance with lots of experimentation. Charlie are an act still trying to find who they are, which isn’t a bad thing as this record proves they have something unique and exciting to offer.

Fans of: Blitz Kids, Artic Monkeys and a drunken late night out at a show throwing moves.


Monday 12 September 2016

For Freedom

These days you can’t get much for free, a free pen, a free biscuit so when Hull (city of culture) decided to again put on the Freedom festival, you would be stupid not to get involved.

The freedom festival does as the name suggests celebrates freedom, to me that connotes the ability to express oneself in whichever way they wish through arts and culture activities. This year’s line-up featured music from British Sea Power, comedy from Honey and my personal favourite the Friday opening fireworks show. Unfortunately for me I was only able to make it to the Friday performances, which I got to experience the wild drum rhythms of French artists, accompanied by local performers. The show began with the drummers making their way through the crowds of Humber Street until they reached the green area by the docks, where the stage lay. Once the musicians approached the stage, the drumming got faster and fireworks got bigger. Over their 40 minute performance they displayed visceral and intense behaviour which could be seen in a King Kong movie. Their performance was brilliantly put together and timed so elegantly with the beat of the drum and light of the fire.

Plans are already in place for next year, as it promises to be bigger and better than ever before, as we welcome in the city of culture 2017.

Thursday 8 September 2016

For medicinal purposes only

As I start to complete another stage of the USA visa process another one begins, this time it is the medical.

If travelling to London via a bus and train is not enough of a pain, try parting with hundreds of pounds to get Okayed by a doctor before getting jabbed with more vaccinations. Although it sounds like a hassle and a pain, deep down I love it, for what it means is way of being closer to the one I miss so dearly. The trip started out early getting to London for about 11pm. After running my phone low on the bus I was getting off to notice a socket below my feet, dam! The train journey was better with my better half making the journey quick and painless as I approached London once again the game plan was set, to the hostel. Usually I rough it around the big cities because am stupid and cheap and now with the night tube anyone could do just that providing they don’t sleep and are up for an adrenaline rush haha. I managed to easily get to the Hostel (Hyde Park Inn), a neat little hostel that has breakfast in with the price, my stay was £10 bargain! These hostel beds even had curtains on them for added privacy and they certainly need them in a sweaty hot room full of 10+ guys! The staff could be improved and I was lucky enough to be greeted with another residents bail letter from the police for theft, it was just lying in my bunk. Safe to safe I was panicked but nothing I thought I couldn’t handle and climb the stairs and unpacked my things for a night of uneasy slumber. Better than most times, I managed to get 5 hours sleep roughly.

The next morning after a quick freshen up and breakfast I set off two hours ahead of my appointment on foot to find the surgery. I took a small stroll through Hyde Park, a first for me and was amazed by how much green space London still has, it’s great to see. As the sun beamed down I made it to the surgery with just short of an hour to go, luckily it wasn’t far from Oxford Street, so through the hidden paths I went spotting some great art along the way before taking in some retail therapy. Picking up a new Zeeeebra shirt (getting my USA language ready) and a braking bad costume/waterproof (2.99 bargain outfit from HMV, last one was buzzing!), I was happy and shopped out. Making my way back through the narrow streets I got into the medical and sat in the waiting room with a large amount of other people wondering if the company will be making at least 10,000 per day here!

Sitting in the waiting room, it dawned on me, thanks to the note for reminding me that I needed to get slaves UK tickets for the Hull venue, £1.99 a ticket for a band who have sold out 4000 cap rooms yes please! In order to order I had to use the bathroom as my appointment was also 10am. Unfortunately after being 10 seconds too late I did not get one, rather than relived I left the bathroom gutted. Back to the medical first up was an x-ray, a big guy took me to his office, didn’t introduce himself but just said get your top off face that board with the door open. Me having the background I have was stunned and thought of ways his practice could be vastly improved, what if I was female. After that I sat in the waiting room again before being called for the doctors review, chatting with him, he seemed just glad to be getting paid although we did share some conversations about him being from Michigan and me travelling to Wisconsin, small world. Back to the waiting room I went before being called next by the nurse, going through my vaccination record she highlighted one vaccination and my thoughts were fuck, would this delay me, would this cost me! Luckily it was only a one off TB top up, with that completed again I was sent to the waiting room, to be called forward for the payment and go. Overall it was a quick process and well ran business but what do you expect when they eat away at your savings. Paying the money felt painful but once I stepped outside it felt great like a weight lifted, one more application process left!

Leaving the doctors I had to get across London for another pre booked meeting. On the bus trip down to London I received a survey email asking me about fashion, I took the survey as per but then they asked if you would like to take part in person for £50 I was like yes! Luckily it timed perfectly with me in London. So off to Camden I went to meet the web designers behind Set up in a temporary office I was asked questions and videoed by the company to see my shopping experience on a phone. A simple task it was with lots of blagging about fashion but needless to say I made £50 for less than an hour’s work, boom!

Before running back to the station for the megabus/train back I had chance to grab a burger and admire the sights/ graffiti of Camden one last time, somethings will be missed on the voyage across the ocean, this maybe one. Leaving London I am excited to go back as soon as possible, not for the sights, the food or the culture, the simple fact of completing the long process to be able to hold her hand and not have to let go. Until next entry, peace and love.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Colour Of Spring, Small Talk

Colour Of Spring, Please introduce yourselves.

Hello, I’m Robin and I play guitar, we also have our frontman Shane, who sings and plays guitar, Tom on bass and Bryce on drums.


What have you been up to today?

Slaying dragons in a mystical world far, far away.

You are going out tour this month playing around the UK, what are the personal essentials you pack for tour, any lucky mascots?

Well last time we toured Tom and Shane didn’t bring sleeping bags with them. We slept on a few sofas and floors and I think they soon realised this was a big mistake! So always bring a sleeping bag. Sleeping on a cold wooden floor in Newcastle in the middle of February isn’t fun!

Bryce and I skateboard so we’ll be sure to bring our decks with us and to hit up some different spots in each city. We want to catch these last few weeks of summer weather before you can’t skate outside for the next 6 months.

Still in your primal stage as a band I imagine its getting cosy in a transit van with rest of the band rather than a tour bus, do the band get on well together, how did you form as one?

We get on really well actually, it’s was no bother last time. We chat, drink, smoke and listen to music, it’s a good laugh. It all got a bit out of control in Canterbury when our merch guy tried to jump out of the van going 70mph down the motorway. Everyone had too many beers that night and it all just got a bit crazy!

Who has the worst habits in the band?

I don’t know if anyone has any really bad habits? Last tour Tom always seemed to have a bag of salted peanuts with him wherever we went, like he lived off peanuts for 10 days, it wasn’t really a bad habit though.

As the cold winter approaches is everyone up for cold vans, got any bad travel or tour stories from the past?

To be honest, we toured in February last time, so touring in September will be a breeze! I went on a tour with Eagulls once, when they first started out and the door in the back of the van didn’t close properly letting in this terrible breeze. It was the middle of winter and we had to sit with a blanket over our feet the entire time. That was pretty grim!

With the cold weather comes snow, which just happens to be your new single, did you time it that way? (Story behind it)

Haha. No, we’re not that cunning! We actually recorded two new singles recently and a label came in and said they wanted to release the other single early next year, so that left us with Snow. So it came out first by default really.

Who would win in a snowball fight in the band why?

I think I would have to say me, and if there others were here they would agree. I have a bit of a mean streak and I wouldn’t stop until I’d won, even if it meant playing dirty!

Final last words?

Yeah, shout out to all the COS friends and family and the House of Love crew!

Best of luck on tour! Check out the band link below for their September tour.

Slang Sounds of the Summer

Slang Sounds of the Summer

Summer has been so hotter and am not just talking about the weather! Beach Slang are back with a second album and more UK tour dates in-between Reading and Leeds Festival 2016, but first their Hull show.

Another night were I find myself drawn to the mystical power of The New Adelphi Club. This time for a band who have travelled almost as far as my betrothed, from Philadelphia, USA, is the brilliant Beach Slang, who are ready to bash out all of their teenage feelings. I was lucky enough to have a few moments chatting music with lead man of Beach Slang, James Alex (yes another person with first name for surname like me). The Full podcast will be online sometime in September see link below but what was most interesting was James approach to his shows, like him and the rest of the band they are creative guys who were born to do this. The passion for the scene and the music can be felt from every word he speaks, they are in this for the long haul and will not bow to fads rather, create them. One Skill James would like to learn is wood work he says, “Creating Beach Slang chairs, maybe hard to bring on tour to sell”. Maybe but am sure they would sell just like their now seminal debut album, which shadows most teenschildhoods.

After speaking with James, the first support was to begin in the form of Yeti Hunter. Approaching the stage with their similar Tarantion style attire they play a great set firing off good songs which show power and crowd interaction. Second support, however fire on empty, as Less Deceived are back with one member less this time and it shows. The band comment on how awful they are live and all we will say is if they are now a three piece, I think new songs should be created to fit the dynamics as it currently is falling on deaf ears.

As it approaches time for Beach Slang to hit the stage a large crowd gathers, which still surprises them after never even hearing of Hull until this tour, they are excited to play to fresh faces. Rolling through their teenage emotions the band play a good mix of first and second album tracks for the new and old fans alike, pausing between some songs to have a joke with the audience, “what’s the matter with Stevie wonder”. The band also adlib some well know rock songs and one cover you will have to check out my videos to find out what! As the set draws to a close, they play new single Atom and I among most is gutted to see it end as they put on an exciting show worthy of bigger stages.

Kenny making plenty of hoops.

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