Thursday 29 September 2016

The Pigeon Detectives, Small Talk

The Pigeon Detectives, do you want to introduce yourself and say what you play in the band?

Hello, I’m Matt and I sing.

What have you been up to today?

I’ve been to the gym (boxing) to get match fit for the tour, done 7 interviews before lunch, made a sandwich, eaten a sandwich, been and proofed the t-shirts for our merch stand so they can begin printing off all 600 and I’m just about to head to rehearsals to learn how to play all our songs again!

You are going out tour this month playing around the UK, what are the personal essentials you pack for tour, any lucky mascots?

As long as you bring a clean t-shirt and underwear for each gig then you’re pretty much sorted. We have our rider requests nailed now after a decade touring so pretty much everything we could need is delivered to the dressing room each day!

Having spent 12 years on the road as a band, touring the world, what have been the stand out highlights/low points?

There’s hasn’t really been any low points! Being away from friends and family is hard..but being on tour and waking up in a different place each day is amazing. Touring highlights have to be the first time we played in America and Japan, it was like we were living someone else’s life – it still blows me away visiting those places now but the first time was really special.

Favourite show/ most memorable of all time you have played?

I’ll never forget the first time we were stood onstage and we could see people in the crowd singing our songs back at us for the first time. I don’t mean friends and family, I mean actual strangers that were there to check out the band and they knew the words. That was the beginning of everything and our lives changed for ever from that gig onwards. I’ll never forget Glastonbury main stage or sharing the main stage at Reading and Leeds with The Strokes.

You are playing some sweaty club shows to get back onto the road but also to promote the new single, Lose Control! Will the set be a greatest hits or new album heavy?

We’re turning up to these small venues to take names! It’s going to be all the ‘hits’ with a couple of new ones sandwiched in there for people to take a breather and enjoy.

Going off the title, when was the last time you lost control?

The song lyrics shouldn’t be taken too literally. This songs is more of an internal conversation between your ‘good’ self and your ‘evil’ self than a documentary ion a specific event. We all want to be the best person we can be, but let’s be honest the wheels fall off every now and again and that’s what makes us human.

 Lose Control is from your fifth album in are you bothered about critics and chart success?

Critically it would be lovely to get some recognition or accolade for the direction we’ve taken with this album, but it isn’t a driving factor we consider when making music. Chart success is great for the ego, it’s a validation that what you’ve done has crossed over into popular culture and it opens a s**tload of doors to promote the album, but again it’s not something we worry about or concern ourselves with.

Being in the music industry for over a decade now how do you feel it has changed?

It’s brutal. It’s absolutely brutal. Kids don’t even get a chance to express themselves and develop or write a second album! They get one chance and if it isn’t a hit you’re finished and the label is on to the next prospect! I love the music industry but I despise the music business, the two have slowly become indistinguishable and bands need to start to revert back to the DIY approach of releasing music and touring by themselves and for themselves, not to line the pockets of big companies.

Where do you see The Pigeon Detectives in three years’ time?

If a shark stops swimming it dies. We’ve had a decade of front crawling around the world and have no intention of getting out of the water for a long time. Even though the venues on this tour are deliberately small and we knew they would sell out, we didn’t expect them to sell out in under a week – that show of support from our fans has really galvanised us as a band again and we feel ready to take on all comers…

Final last words?

Thanks for the interview and some decent thought provoking questions!

Matt x

Best of luck on tour!

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